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What Makes Rhys Different to Other Psychic Mediums

Writer's picture: Rhys Wynn DaviesRhys Wynn Davies

I used to be a environmental scientist for about 20 years and one of the reasons why I got interested in mediumship was the evidential factor. I really love to give evidence in my readings as much as possible, and I particularly love to focus on physical evidence.

So therefore, the scientist in me from the past really loves the scientific aspect of trying to give as much proof of life evidence as possible. You could say I’m like a modern-day FBI Agent trying to profile a missing person, or a suspect but instead, for someone who has passed in the spirit world for you. In my readings physical evidence can vary from the

type of relationship, cause of death, a name, physical features, body type, ancestry, body markings, amputees, medical devices etc to name a few that might connect you to the person in spirit that’s wanting to communicate with you. So, you can know who it is I’m connecting with in the reading and can feel confident it is them communicating back to you.

During the reading the spirit often wants me share profession, passions, and possession type of evidence as well. This is so you can sense and feel their personality and character truly coming through. They really love to show me this type of evidence that I work hard to try and give in my session. Physical things like what they left behind such as objects of endearment, jewellery, and things they made, gifts and so on, that are physical things that might connect you to them still, things they treasured that you have since they died. The reading then shifts into why they come and what they want to say to you which I call purpose of communication. Purpose of communication can vary from such evidence as, I come to let you know I love you and didn’t get to tell you in life or before I died, it’s not your fault, you couldn’t get to me, save me or you had to make a tough decision about me at the hospital. Its ok you did the right thing, you’re not to blame, I’m aware of your situation, I loved my service, with what I know now I would live differently and so on. Messages that are always heart felt, emotional and uplifting and inspiring to give you peace moving forward in your life.

My most favourite part of the reading is what I call Post Life Evidence, which I feel makes me different to other mediums. Post life evidence is what the spirit has seen for you as the recipient since they have died and are in the spirit world. I love to try and give as much of this evidence as I can in my readings. This type of evidence can vary from, I know you’re going through a challenging time this since I died, I know you're having this type of relationship, or since I've died, I'm aware that a child is born with my name passed on, or since I've died I’m aware that you are taking on study or education, or since I died, I've actually met someone else in the spirit world and try and give evidence of that. This type of evidence is about daily events or occurrences in your life that involve you and other family members. it can involve situations and events about your current life that are important to you and the reason for why I like it so much is because it to lets you know that they are still with you even since dying, and I really work hard to try and do that in my sessions with you. Post Life Evidence is also about who they make me draw since they have died, that can be with them in spirit or someone still living on earth.

It's also about who they make me draw since they have died, that can be with them or someone living on earth. I really wanted to draw to give that extra evidence that they are still with you. If I can drawn them or someone else you know in spirit this should help you to feel then perhaps we don't die. I love spirit drawings as additional evidence and if a spirit made me draw a living relative you couldn't get more proof in the moment that since death the spirit world are still connected to you and that loved one drawn. What exciting about a drawing is thats its automatic, so its exciting for me and the recipient who is going to come out on paper. I really wanted to draw to give that extra evidence that they are still with you. If I can drawn them or someone else you know in spirit this should help you to feel then perhaps we don't die. I love spirit drawings as additional evidence and if a spirit made me draw a living relative you couldn't get more proof in the moment that since death the spirit world is still connected to you and that loved one since dying.

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