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Psychic ​Mediumship ​Workshop

Awarded CSNUt from the Spiritualist National Union in the UK. Rhys teaches many aspects of Spiritualism, mediumship and intuitive development. He is a dynamic teacher and encourages his students to achieve their own potential in a comfortable, fun and relaxed atmosphere. Your mediumship abilities will unfold over time with practice and perseverance. Rhys can work with you with a combination of techniques and teaching methods, which will be employed depending on the length and focus of the workshop.

from $ 180,- AUD / 119 euro / 132 USD
​per day workshop
Face to Face ​
or Online

A free 30 min consultation with Rhys can be all you need for Rhys to prepare you a unique coaching program to suit your level of mediumship. It's self-paced, to suit your own schedule. With on-going email, phone calls and Skype sessions with assessments and feedback. There are 12 modules and you pay as you go.  A different aspect of mediumship is tackled every module, and you will receive a pdf education booklet with training and assessment activities. This is a great way to learn and further develop your abilities as a psychic medium. 

from $ 180,- AUD / 119 euro / 132 USD
​per Module
Regular ​ ​Circle in ​Brisbane & Netherlands

The Sacred Trees Spiritual Centre Meditation Circle is open to anyone interested in spiritual meditation and or exploring spiritual development for themselves. The Circle starts with a 30-minute meditation with a variety of relaxing techniques to help you still the mind. Following the meditation, we will commence spiritual development training by experimenting with techniques and exercises, such as flower readings, psychometry, and platform to help increase your own psychic ability. 

Donation $10

"A big wave of appreciation for facilitating and sharing your vibe and talents with us at your spiritual development presentation. It is inspiring and uplifting to be with a man who has wholeheartedly dedicated himself to spirit, so early in life! It seems to be taking you on a wondrous journey and adventure.  " 


Julia, Brisbane

"What an amazing day! Rhys is a superb teacher...patient, funny, incredibly kind and affirming and an excellent medium!" 


Judy, Boston

"Thanks for a magical day in your Psychic Mediumship Workshop, I don’t know what happened, but the person I was when we started in the morning is no longer here. Out came a whole new person, one who can do what she wants and who believes in herself and how fun it was, of all my heart I thank you, hope you understand how many lives you change,  it’s magical!  Tack, Tack, Tack!"  xx. "


Lena, Sweden

  • Learn the do's and don'ts of psychic work and mediumship

  • Distinguish the difference between being a psychic or a medium

  • Meditate and learn how to develop a spirit connection (attunement) with music

  • Learn techniques on how to do psychometry with a variety of items

  • Do extra sensory perception (ESP) exercises to learn how to trust your  clair senses

  • Learn how to work directly and indirectly

  • Learn how to sense and feel spirit blending for yourself and on others

  • Learn how to structure your communication from spirit using Rhys's 4P's Method to communicate.

  • Do one on one and group readings and learn a variety of reading techniques

  • Practice demonstrations in front of other students.

  • Open to beginners to intermediate levels

Advanced Workshop
  • Learn how to deliver a professional public address and motivation speeches.

  • Learn how to enhance your own unique mental mediumship style direct/indirectly.

  • Learn how to structure your communication from spirit using Rhys's 4P's Method to communicate.

  • Learn to reference more detail and provide more accurate evidence.

  • Learn the do's and don'ts of presentation and demonstration work.

  • Do tailored individual platform exercises to enhance your own demonstration abilities.

  • Present your unique style on stage in front of a live audience and receive feedback to be a better professional unique psychic medium

  • Open to Intermediate to Advanced Levels

Coaching Topics
  • Improving your connection with Spirit

  • Feeling more confident in your private sittings or demonstrations

  • Creating a better, more consistent and longer link with spirit 

  • Bringing your meditation to a focussed, higher level

  • How to work with all of your senses to get a broader and deeper reach in evidence

  • How to work professionally as a business

  • Improving your presentation and demonstrating skills

  • Receive personal feedback on your work 

  • How to work with demanding clients and to define your boundaries

  • Your role as a grief counselor and trusted confidant for clients

  • Perfecting the art of leaving your clients with an uplifting and inspiring reading

  • If desired I can tailor specific homework assignments 


If time permits and depending on the level of experience, Rhys can also teach these aspects of mediumship: 


  • Be able to read the aura field psychically

  • Improve your referencing to get greater detail in your readings

  • Do remote viewing exercises to see details of places that you've never seen

  • Do individual and group platform exercises

  • Do class demonstrations and receive critique to be a better psychic medium

  • Learn about healing

  • Understanding symbols in your readings

  • Understanding colors in your readings

  • Learn how to deliver and present on stage in front of an audience

  • Learn how to deliver a spiritual address 

  • Developing your own unique mediumship style


Bookings are essential for both the courses and the weekly circle. To check availability and to make a booking please send an email to Please allow for 48 hours for Rhys to get back to you and confirm your booking. For the workshops, you will receive payment instructions via email. Rhys' previous business, Land Trust Rangers, planted 8 million trees in Australia. To continue his environmental efforts he will plant 5 native trees on your behalf when booking a workshop or reading to help restore or create new forests for future generations to enjoy.


What to bring:

  • Pens/writing paper or notebook

  • Comfortable clothing & shoes

  • Bottled Drinking water

  • Recording devices not permitted.

Psychic Mediumship Training Cards by Rhys Wynn Davies and Brisa Keizer
Cards with Bag

Money Back Guarantee Policy: Rhys has at his discretion and freewill the option to change booking dates, reschedule, cancel or refund the reading at any time in the event of low energy levels, blockages, health or personal issues arising at short notice before and during a reading. A cancellation by Rhys at short notice can either be a reschedule or a refund is acceptable at your discretion.

All Right Reserved, Copyright 2023 | RHYS WYNN DAVIES

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